Amin Aminian
Specialist in Prosthodontics

Amin qualified from Liverpool University in 1993. He worked in the Falklands for a year in 1997 before gaining his Masters degree in fixed and removable prosthodontics at Manchester in 2000. He gained his Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery from the Royal Collect of Surgeons in Glasgow, MFDS RCPS, in the same year.
In September 2004, Amin completed the 4-year Specialist training programme at Manchester and was awarded the MRD (Membership in Restorative Dentistry).
He is currently an honorary clinical teaching fellow in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Manchester Dental Hospital and also has a teaching post on the Cosmetic MSC programme at the University of Central Lancaster (UCLan).
He is the author of several publications and is currently undertaking PhD research, studying implant therapy.