Principles of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics

Friday 10th & Saturday 11th October 2025  £800 per delegate                                                This course meets the General Dental Council's educational criteria for verifiable ECPD and and 24 hours of verifiable ECPD points will be awarded.

Course Tutor:
Miss Johanna Leven

Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry BDS, MFDS RCS(Ed) FDS (Rest Dent) RCS(Ed)
Johanna Leven Mandec Tutor

Course Tutor:
Mr Rahat Ali

BSc, BDS, MSc, MFGDP, MFDS RCS, PGC(HE), FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEDConsultant in Restorative Dentistry,Specialist in Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry.
Rahat Ali Mandec Tutor

This course explores Principles of Removable Prosthodontics and the Principles of Adhesive and Conventional Bridgework.


To help practitioners improve their tooth preparation skills.


·Summarise the principles of partial and complete denture design.
·Describe which impression and occlusal registration techniques may be appropriate   when managing a removable prosthodontic patient.
·Describe the principles of duplicate and immediate denture prosthodontics.
·Describe the attachment systems of basic implant retained overdentures.
·Be able to survey and design a partial denture in acrylic or chrome-based metal alloy.
·Be able to prepare a premolar tooth for a metal ceramic crown with milled features for a chrome denture.
·Explain the indications, design features and limitations of adhesive bridge work.
·Describe the uses, advantages and disadvantages of conventional bridgework.
·Discuss the maintenance requirements and longevity of adhesive bridge work and conventional bridgework.
·Describe the principles of extra-coronal tooth preparation including the importance o retention and resistance form.
·Describe the preparation and design features of a conventional metal ceramic crown   and zirconia bridge retainer.
·Prepare teeth for a 3 unit conventional metal ceramic bridge and a 3 unit conventional all ceramic bridge.

Learning content: 
This 2 day training course is intended to provide knowledge and practical skills to allow the delegate to recognise and diagnose soft tissue defects around teeth and implants together with practical skills to apply surgical solutions

Development outcomes:      

GDC outcomes 
Click here  for course programme and learning outcomes
To book a place on the course please fill out the form below

We will then contact you to arrange payment of the non-refundable deposit.

    MANDEC Course Terms and Conditions
    • All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable in all instances.
    • The full balance must be paid no later than 28 days prior to the course start date. Cancellations made after this point will be subject to a 100% cancellation fee (ie the full price of the course).
    • Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Places will be allocated on receipt of the completed registration form and payment of the deposit.

    Once the booking form and deposit have been received full confirmation will be sent out.
    Contact : 0161 529 64610161 529  6462 or 0161 529 6463